You are here: 10. Third Party Tools > 10.1. Denso Batch Scanner > 10.1.3. Using the Micronet Batch Scanner - Bluetooth > Stocktaking with the Micronet Batch Scanner > Micronet Stocktake Procedure
Micronet Stocktake Procedure

To enter the stocktake details in Micronet:

  1. From the Distribution main menu, select INVENTORY | ADJUSTMENTS | STOCKTAKE.

Micronet displays the Stocktake Batch screen.

  1. In the Description field, enter a description for this stocktake batch, e.g. “Stocktake 31/06/14”, then press Enter.
  2. On the Create Stocktake Batch screen, just check that the warehouse number is correct.

Nothing further requires changing.

  1. Select PROCEED.

Micronet redisplays the Stocktake Batch screen.


Micronet displays the Load From Hand Held screen.

  1. Select Accept.

Micronet displays the Enter Auto Stock Line screen.

  1. On the scanner, select Transfer Data and press Enter.
  2. Select Via BA10 (Bluetooth) and press Enter.

The scanner connects to the workstation.

  1. Select the output file, e.g. Stock.CSV and press Enter.



The stocktake data is transferred to Micronet.

  1. Select the Cancel button on the Enter Auto Stock Line screen.

Micronet imports all the scanned stock lines into your stocktake batch.

  1. Process and post the stocktake batch in Micronet as normal.


Technical Tip

If required, the quantities can be changed after loading. Items can also be added or deleted if required.

  1. If you want to:

Stocktake Processing Report


Best Practice

When you have finished the Stock file import, you should delete the stocktake file on the Micronet batch scanner by selecting Stocktake from the main menu and then selecting Clear Stocktake and Yes.


Be aware that the next time you load a Stock file from the scanner into Micronet, you will need to overwrite the existing Stock file.